tongueless: not one tongue, without a tongue, without one taste, without one thought but many. Meaning: Tongue, language, identity. Not one identity, but many. Not one. Define meaning, define home.
singular: once there was a strange palpitation, urging my lips to compose these words: "you, always you"
heart: crying because pieces have fallen and melted and rusted and been taken away by your hands. v. to cry. / n. Corazón / adj. Roto
salve: latín, v. salvare / salvus "entero, sano, salvo" from the hymn "save me from myself". Salvar, equivocar, pardoner, sanar.
tormenta: caída de una historia, un evento, un final.
causa: sin caer sin retroceder sin darse por vencido. From the verb "resist"
wooden conflict: piensa y piensa till the body bleeds through phallic being y que caiga la lluvia en cicatriz opened by your piensa y piensa hasta seguir sangrando por la cabeza
pétalo: desfigurado órgano antiguo, más humano que el humano. n. architecture. adj. perfected.
silentium: n. v. adj. State of being. Latin/ patiens. Hunger.
blood: (Middle Dutch, Old High German) v. to swell, to thrive. From the verb "sobreviví y conquisté, con mi fuerza logré"
pasado: es pesado/weight/gravity, consciencia dormida y despierta. Huella, marca, sombra, escombro, esqueleto, lombriz.
ephermal: lack of eternity, short lasting, dying, inconsistency. From the v. being human. Being true.
sunset.shadows: in the fog there is opportunity, in the light...
*All photography in this website was taken by Jesús López unless stated otherwise*
"All poetry found in this page was written by Jesús López and it CANNOT be used without written permission"
(c)opyright Jesús López 2021
"All poetry found in this page was written by Jesús López and it CANNOT be used without written permission"
(c)opyright Jesús López 2021